Temporary Housing

Temporary Housing - Veterans who qualify may receive transitional housing for 120 days to one year.

Services are available for substance free veterans prepared for our following admissions criteria as:

  1. Veterans 18 and over are eligible
  2. Veterans must be certified as homeless
  3. Veterans must be drug and alcohol free for 30 days
  4. Veterans must be willing to follow and abide by all program rules and service planning
  5. Veterans must be willing to work or enroll in an educational institution/program

Housing includes room and board, three hot meals, a stable environment and transportation will be provided to those Veterans who need to be transported to search for jobs or have medical appointment in Crown. Point, Indiana or Illinois.

A clothes closet and laundry room is also available to our clients.


We are currently providing individual therapy, small group therapy, resocialization counseling, financial management training, independent living, vocational rehabilitation planning, scheduled drug and alcohol intervention, assistance with policies and procedures for acquiring veterans benefits, educational assistance and transportation. Our case management staff includes: LCSW, Intake Coordinator, Task Instructors and Interns.

VLCS Mental Health Clinic is located at 501 W. Ridge Road, Gary, IN 46408. VLCS also offer service to the entire Veteran Community. You do not have to be a resident to receive our service. Spiritual Guidance is also offer to our clients to help them rebuild their lives.

Vocational Skill Development

Vocational  - Veterans may receive job readiness training in various areas. some of these areas may include life skill development, construction, and computer technology.

Supportive Housing

Housing Stablization - Room and board, a stable environment and transportation will be provided to those Veterans who qualify for permanent housing status.